NHS & Healthcare Management Recruitment and Consultancy

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Recent Placement Successes

Project Manager
MSK and Ophthalmology Services, CCG

Service Manager
Cancer Services

Contract manager


Strategic Project Lead
Acute Trust

Chief Operating Officer
Acute Trust

Project Manager for Pathology Services

Marketing Lead

Peer Review Project Coordinator

Project Consultant
Streamlining Acute Patient Pathway



Blenkin Associates has developed a reputation amongst its clients for providing very high quality candidates whose experience and skills match their role requirements closely. Similarly, our candidates know that we have a very good understanding of each role and our consultants are therefore well placed to support and advise them on the extent to which their skills match the requirements of the role.

As such we have decided not to list our current job vacancy requirements. Instead we would encourage you to contact us so that we can discuss available roles with you in detail and the extent to which each role would be suitable for your skills and experience.

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"This is brilliant, I am happy to accept the position. I would like to thank you for all your efforts."
Interim Strategy Manager